
These are the events hosted by Real Life Community Church:

Sunday services

Since its founding in 1984, one of Real Life’s core mandates has been “to provide regular opportunities for public worship.” God calls us all to worship Him in our everyday lives—at home, at work, at school, at play—by believing and doing what He says. But our own sinful nature and this broken world make worshipping God an uphill battle, so we need His help. Just like we need to take time to eat, drink, and exercise to stay healthy, and we need to bring our vehicles to service stations to keep them going, we also need to regularly come to God our Creator and let Him strengthen us. Sunday mornings are a big part of that: We gather in a public space where everyone is welcome, and we meet with God so that He can “service” us and keep us spiritually healthy for a lifestyle of worshipping Him.

God “services” us through His life-giving message for us, which is ultimately found in the Bible. This is why every part of our Sunday service—reading, teaching, praying, singing, and eating—relates to God’s message. The first and most important part of our Sunday service is having God’s message from the Bible read aloud. Following this reading, a member of the church or an invited guest gives a talk based on the Bible reading. Then, a designated person leads us by praying that God’s message would become reality in us and in the world. Occasionally, the Holy Spirit will lead someone to share a thought or give thanks for answered prayer in their life. In the next part of the service, we all declare our faith in God through singing songs of praise and worship. Finally, every second Sunday, following these songs of praise, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper through which we remember a most precious element of God’s message: that Jesus Christ died to enable us to live and worship God forever.

Services are held Sundays from 10:30am-12pm, usually at the Dalhousie Student Union Building, 6136 University Ave in Halifax. If you plan to visit us and don’t receive our mailing list, please contact us to let us know, just in case our location has temporarily changed.”

Prayer meetings

Most of us need to be “serviced” more than once a week, which is why we have prayer meetings every Monday. This is an opportunity to be listened to and to listen to others, remind ourselves of God’s message, and pour out our hearts to God, asking and waiting for Him to do everything He has said.

Prayer meetings take place in the homes of members of our community. Please visit us on a Sunday or contact us for more information.


Since its founding as a student-oriented church, another of Real Life’s core mandates has been “to nurture people through a program of Christian education.” Jesus specifically instructed His Church to teach all nations to obey His commands. Thus, we offer workshops on following Jesus that are primarily intended to help people understand Jesus’s commands and put them into practice in their lives. These workshops also teach the core truths of the Christian faith, as well as Jesus’s instructions on prayer, both of which are needed to faithfully follow Him.

Workshops are also hosted in the homes of members of our community. Please visit us on a Sunday or contact us for more information.