When we asked the people at Real Life to describe our community, the most frequent response was the word

As Christians, we often don’t get everything right, but if we are growing in love, mistakes seem to be minimized, forgiveness finds its place, and hurts can be healed. We recognize that God is love and that our love for each other comes from him. Therefore, we want the main driving force in our community at Real Life to be love.

Our first and main calling in life is to love God with all that we are and have. As we learn to respond to God in this way, we find ourselves learning to respond to each other in love the way Jesus taught.

God wants to demonstrate his love to us as our Father. The Hebrew word that Jesus used when teaching his disciples to pray was “Abba” and this name for Father could not have been more intimately expressed. It has been described as a most primal word as in “DaDa”, something akin to a young child’s first words.

Wouldn’t you like to join us on the journey of learning about this loving Father? It is in a community of faith where we can learn to love him and to love each other. Then we are enabled to demonstrate this love to all.

As a community, we are learning to be followers of

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). The Bible declares that Jesus is the Creator and Lord of everything. Jesus came to live on earth 2000 years ago as one of us… a human being. We follow him as our leader, our example, and our guide. As we commit our lives to him, we become his disciples or followers.

We also believe that Jesus’ death was sacrificial in nature because the Biblical message is that he died in our place, paying the price for the forgiveness of all our wrongdoings. No wonder we worship him, both corporately as we meet together and individually throughout the week.

We would love to have you join us, as together we discover more of what it means to Really Live…in Jesus!

What to Expect

We're Right-Sized

In other words quite small.  We love our community of diverse people who are part of the Real Life family.  We don’t focus on the size of the church but rather believe God will bring the right people for the right time to be part of our fellowship.

Where We Meet

We do not meet in a church building or intend to build one. We feel it is important to be in the larger community where we serve and in a space that is accessible. Therefore we meet at Dalhousie Student Union Building, 6136 University Ave in Halifax.


Each week we have a teaching delivered in person and online by one of our preaching team. We would describe ourselves as conservative in doctrine and progressive in practice. We hold to the Bible as the inspired, inerrant, Word of God which is our final authority for living the Christian life. However, we do realize that the root truths of the Scriptures are supra-cultural, and must be adhered to in a practical, contemporary, and relevant manner.


We do not have a set way to worship. If you are the kind of person that likes to sit quietly during our worship in singing that’s no problem.

Real Life

Over all we believe in an open-church concept. That all believers are called to be part of a community where we can build meaningful relationships with God and one other.  We do not want to have only the appearance of godliness, but rather hope that together we will be known for who we are as we grow and mature in Christ.  We hope that Real Life is a place where people can feel safe to freely and honestly bring the good things of life and it’s challenges before the Father, and be supported by each other.


Join us next Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at the Dalhousie Student Union Building, please check with our weekly email for the specific room.

Last Week's Message

Lost View of Authority
Dan Rolfe