
Real Life Community Church exists to help people experience real life in Jesus. What does that mean? Well, let’s start with Jesus. Here’s what we believe about Him:

Jesus. He is the only Son of God the Father, the all-powerful Spirit, creator of heaven and earth;

He is called the Messiah—the Chosen One;

He came to us as a baby, having been conceived supernaturally in a virgin by God’s power;

He suffered, was executed on a cross, died, and was buried;

He rose from the dead on the third day;

He left this world and returned to His place with God the Father as ruler of all;

He will return to the world again, and on that day, He will bring each human from all history to justice for what they have done;

He gives His Spirit—the Holy Spirit—to those who follow Him, spiritually uniting us with Himself. This union means five critical things:

  • It brings followers of Jesus into one body, the Body of Christ, known as the Church, which belongs to Jesus and consists of every individual who is united with Him;
  • It makes every follower of Jesus an adopted child of God the Father, each with equal access to His love and care;
  • It means that the sins of Jesus’s followers are forgiven, because the justice we deserve for our sins against God was fully met when Jesus died on the cross on our behalf;
  • It means that, although our bodies will die, Jesus’s followers will be raised from the dead on the day of justice, and will receive perfect, immortal, and glorified bodies.
  • And, it means that we have Jesus’s life in us —real life— which gradually changes us from the inside out and prepares us to be the kind of people He wants in His renewed, just, and perfect world forever.

Our vision: helping people experience
real life in Jesus


Just like a gardener can’t make anything grow, we can’t make anyone experience real life in Jesus; only God the Holy Spirit can do that. The Holy Spirit makes His home in you when you follow Jesus, and completely renews and animates you from the inside out. The job Jesus gave His Church is much like that of a gardener: we create the conditions for real life to sprout up and grow in people by simply helping them follow Jesus.


Jesus is for everyone, and the real life He offers belongs in every place and every culture. That’s why we love to help any and every person follow Jesus. Historically, we’ve focused on university students in Halifax but now find that our vision has broadened to helping people in all stages of life to follow Jesus.

Experience Real Life

Even now, if you follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit will cause you to experience the beautiful early fruits of real life in Jesus: things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And these are just the beginning.